Loss: .5
Total Loss: 63.5 lbs
In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings I began really thinking about why I started running. And honestly why I kept running. I always used to hate it and somewhere along the way it became something that I truly love. Then today someone posted this quote that was published in Runner's World today.
"Running is a sport of goodwill. It's the only sport in the world where if a competitor falls, the others around will pick him or her up. It's the only sport in the world open to absolutely everyone, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or any other division you can think of. It's the only occasion when thousands of people assemble, often in a major city, for a reason that is totally peaceful, healthy and well-meaning. It's the only sport in the world where no one ever boos anybody."
-Roger Robinson, Runner's World, April 15th, 2013
After reading that I realized that it was putting into words exactly how I feel about running. I've never really been good at sports. I'm ok at most, really terrible at basketball but actually decent at volleyball. But never was I good enough to have anyone notice or set me apart. Running however makes me feel like I'm good at it. I may not be the fastest. I may not be the skinniest. I may not even be someone who has been running for my whole life. But no matter what when I put on those running shoes and step out for a run, I feel like I belong. Running is where I found my place in the fitness world and I hope that is where my place continues to be.
Hey Bri! You probably don't even remember me but I've been stalking your blog a bit and it is so inspirational! It's amazing that you've made such a difference in your own life, all on your own! the support of your husband is great, but do you find the blog to be a really helpful aide and inspiration for you? Thanks for writing, you seriously rock!