1. My relationship with The Husband is better. The Husband and I have always had a good relationship, even when I was heavy. But through this journey I have learned to love myself and therefore am capable of a greater love for others, particularly him. We are able to do more physical activities together without me feeling like an idiot. I can totally keep up with him! And since my physical body has changed, let's be honest, our physical relationship has changed too. For the better *wink wink*
2. My relationship with my girls has changed. I wouldn't go so far as to say I was a "bad mom" when I was heavy but I would say I was a less involved mom. Now I am much more willing to be on the floor playing with the girls and even go outside and play on the playground with them. I'm more physically active and because of that I'm more active with them. A family who plays together stays together. Cheesy but true, friends.
3. I can sing better! If any of you know me even slightly you know I love to sing. It's just what I do. I never realized it but all that extra weight I was carrying was really inhibiting my ability to breathe well and therefore sing! Now I feel like singing and even belting out notes is a breeze!
4. I am happier. I wasn't really depressed or anything before but I think my weight definitely had a constant effect on my mood without my realizing it. Now I get crabby if I haven't worked out that day.
5. I am more confident. Kind of an obvious one but still true. Yes I am more confident in my physical appearance but I am also more confident in my mental capabilities as well. I have set goals and achieved them. I have completed tasks I never thought my physical body would be capable of. I honestly believe that I can do anything I want to.
These are obviously just a few of the major changes that have come with this journey for me. I'm so happy that I've been able to achieve these goals and to make these changes. And they aren't just temporary things either, these changes are for good now.
On to FFT...
Loss: 1.4 lbs
Total loss: 65 lbs!!
Today's weigh in brings my weight loss to an even 65 lbs lost. I feel pretty darn good about that. And it also means I only have 20 lbs more to meet my ultimate goal. That's pretty exciting to think about. Such a long process and I'm beginning to see the light!
Love your blog and I can't wait every week to read what you have to say. (I know that we don't know each other that well, but I went to school with your Husband.) Thank you for being so honest and positive! Can't wait for your next post!