Hi, my name is Briana and I'm a scale addict. I admit it (don't mock me). I weigh myself every morning, before I go to the bathroom, after I go to the bathroom, before I workout, after I workout, with clothes on, without clothes on, and sometimes for good measure I just do it after I've put my makeup on to see if I wear too much. I don't, FYI. There are multiple times during the week that I am fully convinced I am going to gain weight that week and some weeks it really does happen, but there are those normal fluctuations in weight that sometimes give me false alarms. Little did I know my scale has been messing with my head this entire time!!!
Today is obviously Fat Free Tuesday so after my workout this evening I came home and weighed in. This is what I saw.
That would make only a loss of .2 this week. I didn't say anything, mostly just made a face and got into the shower. The Husband could obviously tell I was mad. He just said "it's still a loss" and in my head I thought yeah yeah shut up. I love you, Husband! I was really hoping this would be the week I'd break into the 160s. Never ever did I imagine I was going to be in the 160s! And apparently I was right. That's why I was mad. So after my shower because I was angry and because I am a scale addict (I already admitted it you don't need to roll your eyes) I got back on the scale to double check. And this is what I saw.
That's a loss of .6 for the week! That's like a half pound difference! No way did I have a half pound of sweat caked onto my body and I magically lost that weight just in the shower. THE SCALE! It has been secretly plotting against me. Its like it knows every time I step on the scale and just laughs and gives me any random number it freaking feels like. I'm not gonna lie to you, I think if my scale were a Transformer it would be a Decepticon. (The Husband and I have been watching those movies lately, once again, don't mock me!).
What if my starting weight really wasn't as high/low as I thought? What if I haven't gained weight as many weeks as I thought? My whole life is a lie. Or maybe just my love/hate relationship with my scale. You think you know someone....
Loss: .6
Total Loss: 65.6 lbs
I'm running my very first Half Marathon this weekend. I am more than a little nervous about it. So while you're all asleep at 5 am this saturday, try and say a little prayer for me (in your dreams) and send me lots of good mojo and no cases of IBS.