Giggle and Bounce is a really weird name for a blog, huh? Well my inspiration came from 2 different things. I have 2 beautiful little girls with the cutest little giggles ever. J (my 2 year old) loves making H (my 10 month old) laugh. Those giggles are one of my favorite things. And then there's bounce. Well, I run. But this is where the bounce comes from...

So, how did I start running, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.
Remember that not athletic person I mentioned before? Well in my head running was the worst of all sports and physical activities ever. Who would want to run for 5 miles without being required to? I don't know where it came from but I always had such a negative association to running in my head. It's terrible, it's hard, it's not fun. Even in middle school and high school I always thought running was horrific. I am ashamed to say that when we were required to run a mile in gym class in 8th grade...I cheated. I only ran 4 laps around the track instead of 5. Partially because I hated running and partially because I was embarrassed about how slow I "ran." And then in high school I didn't try out for the soccer team because I'd been told there was a mile run for the try outs. 1 mile and I didn't do it because I didn't think I could.
So in July of 2012, I had lost about 15 lbs and The Husband's company was sponsoring a 5k run in Salt Lake City. Don't ask me why but I thought it would be a great idea to sign up. So for the next 3 months The Husband and I "trained" for the 5k (3.1 miles). Which really means I was huffing and puffing on the treadmill on a daily basis trying to add distance to how far I could run and he was going out once a week and running like it was nothing. By August I had lost 25 lbs or so and it was getting A LOT easier to run. The treadmill however sucked. I started off just trying to run a mile. It's possible that I had done it before but never before this journey do I remember being able to run a mile without stopping. After the first time I ran a mile on the treadmill I was so happy. Something so little had been so difficult for me and now I could do it. And then I could run 2 miles and then 3. Suddenly, I was a runner.

This is me after running 3.1 miles for the first time.
The week before the 5k, The Husband and I began running outside. All this time I had been telling The Husband "Oh I like the treadmill. It's nice." But I had NO idea what I was missing! Running outside was so beautiful and refreshing and not terrible at all! (see above for previous opinion) Something clicked during that week and I was hooked. Running had become my exercise of choice.
The Husband and I ran the 5k together in October and finished with a 34 min time. Not too terrible for a first timer, huh? I loved the atmosphere of hundreds of people running together and the cheering

So now The Husband and I are signed up for a Half Marathon on May 4th! I mentioned before that we've both had some injuries that have been keeping us from running. I've got terrible shin splints and he has a sprained ankle. So hopefully our official training will be starting up here pretty soon.
Happy Running Season Everyone!
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