So, the weigh-in for the week.
Loss: 2.4 lbs
Total loss: 62.4 lbs
As I posted previously, I had kind of a tough week as far as temptation. It might have possibly been because of a certain time of the month happening up in here...Chocolate cravings and menstrual cycles are best friends. There were seriously days I had to pretend there was a padlock on the freezer to keep myself from downing a whole bag of chocolate chips. I won't lie and say I didn't have any. I'm a former fat girl, remember? But I didn't shove my face and regret it later. I call that a victory for the week. Coming off of a 5 lb loss last week I am really happy with the 2.4 lbs lost this week. 7.4 lbs in 2 weeks is awesome. Let's keep it up!
On Saturday I took J to a friend's birthday party. It was kind of touch and go as to whether J would be able to go because of the sickies going on in our house. J had pinkeye and then an ear infection. But she kept insisting she wanted to go so I took her. She had a great time and came home with a pretty green balloon for her trouble. Since then the balloon has been hanging around the house.
If you know me at all you might know that I'm a bit of a pansy when it comes to scary/haunted/horror things. I don't do them. I believe it's because I have a very active imagination and it's hard for me to convince myself that those things aren't real. No scary movies, shows, books, what have you. My biggest fear is that someone will break into my house and immediately come to kill me in my bed. The Husband is an awesome boogie-man checker. I frequently ask him to get up and search our house to make sure no one is in it and many times I can't fall asleep without a night light.
So last night The Husband and I got to bed late (-r than normal for us) around 1 o'clock. He quickly fell asleep while I browsed Pinterest until I was tired enough to sleep. I put my phone down and rolled over onto my side and just a few seconds later, a dark shape comes drifting up the side of the bed from the floor and hits me in the face. No joke I flipped and judo chopped that sucker! What the freak?! A BALLOON!?! There were definitely expletives going off in my head. I had to take a minute and collect myself from the near death experience and got up and took the stupid balloon back into the living room.
I then had to start over. Pinterest, instagram, facebook...something to put me to sleep! Again, I put my phone down and rolled over (the other way so that the same thing wouldn't happen again.) Just as I'm drifting off again I catch a small movement out of the corner of my eye...that balloon was hovering above me and The Husband! As if to say "I'm baaaaacccckkk."
I swear to you, I thought that balloon was haunted. I thought Don't touch it, it's a ghost balloon. You'll probably end up with a curse on you or something. I woke up The Husband and said "I really need you to not make fun of me right now." He sleepily said "ok?" and I told him the freaking balloon wouldn't leave me alone. He told me to lock in the closet but I wanted to pop it. I quickly
The Husband is now calling me The Balloon Slayer. I'm such a pansy, I know.